Therapy, Ethics, Malpractice, Forensics, Critical
Thinking (and a few other topics)
This psychology site was designed to be fully accessible for people with disabilities (see below) and user-friendly to all visitors. For convenience, any of the major sections — as well as the 3 other web sites (see "Ken's Other Sites") — can be accessed immediately by using the menu that runs along the left side of each page..
The site provides free access to a variety of articles from journals such as American Psychologist (currently 10 from this source); British Medical Journal; Canadian Psychology / Psychologie Canadianne; Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology; Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology; Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice; Psychology, Public Policy, & Law; Annual Review of Clinical Psychology; American Journal of Psychiatry; International Journal of Law & Psychiatry; and Professional Psychology: Research & Practice.
It also provides other free resources such as:
- links to psychology licensing laws and continuing education regulations in Canada and the United States along with contact information and related resources for each psychology licensing board in the two countries
- over 100 ethics codes and practice standards for assessment, therapy, counseling, & forensic practice developed by professional organizations (e.g., of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, marriage & family counselors)
- therapists' guide to preparing a professional will
- informed consent: professional standards, sample forms, & key references
- a malingering assessment research update providing cites & summaries for malingering assessment studies that have been published in peer-reviewed journals from January, 2001, to the present
- 22 kinds of logical fallacies in psychology
- resources for therapists who are stalked, threatened, or attacked by patients
- ethics in psychology: 7 essentials
- recent Research on Assessing Risk of Violence: Studies Published in 2012 & 2013
- over 100 online resources for torture victims, refugees, detainees, & asylum seekers
- links to resources on boundary issues in psychotherapy: widely-used guides, stats, trends, research, & resources
- links to resources for military personnel, their families, & those who provide services to them
- over 300 cites of articles, books, and chapters on the controversy over psychologists and physicians participating in detainee interrogations
- 8 bogus apologies: ethics, critical thinking, & language
- 21 cognitive strategies to justify any unethical behavior
- resources for finding health insurance and free or low cost medications (listed under "medication help")
- 7 common fallacies and pitfalls that plague psychological testing and assessment
- forensic assessment checklist
- sample agreement between expert witness & attorney
The journal articles and other resources are in this site's 27 major sections: assessment; psychology professor Bev Greene's images of Ground Zero; boundaries in therapy; psychological interventions for people with cancer resources; caregiver resources; Carolyn Payton's bio & a quote about ethics; detainee interrogations, physicians, & psychologists; Psychologists & detainee interrogations; end-of-life resources; over 100 ethics codes & practice guidelines for therapy, counseling, assessment, & forensics; articles on ethics & malpractice; fallacies & pitfalls in psychology; forgiveness resources; psychology laws & licensing boards; falacies & pitfalls in psychology; informed consent; psychology laws & licensing boards in Canada & the United States; resources for U.S. troops, veterans, their families, & those who provide services to them; resources for finding affordable health insurance and medications; memory & abuse; mindfulness resources for clinical training & practice; sexual issues in therapy, counseling, teaching, & the lives of psychologists; resources for therapists who are stalked, threatened, or attacked by patient; suicide; the therapist as a person; resources for torture survivors, refugees, and asylum-seekers; and resources for psychologists, physicians, & other health care professionals wanting to volunteer their services to people in need.
You'll also find various pages with more information about the material on the site (e.g., please see copyright & disclaimers).
Some of the material that was originally on this site has been moved to 3 other sites:
1) Please follow this link to the Accessibility & Disability web site, which provides information and resources on 10 topics: Articles on Accessibility in Psychology Graduate Education & Practice; the American Psychological Association Disability Mentoring Program; Accessibility Laws & Regulations; Court Adjudications, Formal Settlements, and Letters of Agreement: Disability, Accessibility, and Universities; Articles on Accessibility in Higher Education or Professional Licensing; Court Adjudications; Resources for Accessible Books & Articles; Assistive Technology for Computers & Printed Material; Articles on Web Accessibility, the ADA, & Civil Rights; Web Accessibility Verifiers; & 7 Easy Steps Toward Web Site Accessibility.
2) Please follow this link to the site providing information and resources for companion, assistance, and special-needs animals; that site's major topics are: animal emergencies, poison, & first aid; where to look for adoptions, fostering, & placements for companion animals; animal-friendly travel & lodging; finding missing animals; pet bereavement; companion animals and people with HIV or AIDS; health & behavior of companion animals; animal protection & welfare; where to look for special-needs animal adoptions, fostering, & placements; health & behavior information & resources for special-needs animals; equipment for special-needs animals; therapy, guide, hearing, and other assistance animals.
3) Please follow this link to the site providing photographs and stories of a family of special-needs cats & dogs .
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Although the navigation bar, which appears along the left side of each page, provides access to each section of this web site, below is a sample of some of the full-text articles and related materials available on this site.
Full-text Articles & Books
A Human Rights and Ethics Crisis Facing the World's Largest Organization of Psychologists—Accepting Responsibility, Understanding Causes, Implementing Solutions by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, in European Psychologist
Canadian Psychological Association Member of the Year Award Address --
"The Code Not Taken: The Path From Guild Ethics to Torture and Our Continuing Choices"
by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP [Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne]
"Psychological Assessment of Torture Survivors: Essential Steps, Avoidable Errors, and Helpful Resource" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP [International Journal of Law & Psychiatry]
"Are the American Psychological Association’s Detainee Interrogation Policies Ethical and Effective? Key Claims, Documents, and Results" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP [Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology]
"Psychologists and Detainee Interrogations: Key Decisions, Opportunities Lost, and Lessons Learned" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP [Annual Review of Clinical Psychology]
"The Hoffman Report And the American Psychological Association: Meeting the Challenge of Change" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP [Appendix A in Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling, 5th Edition by Ken Pope & Melba J. T. Vasquez. New York: Wiley, January, 2016]
"Contrasting Ethical Policies of Physicians & Psychologists Concerning Detainee Interrogations" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, & Tom Gutheil, M.D. [British Medical Journal]
"Psychologists Abandon the Nuremberg Ethic: Concerns for Detainee Interrogations" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, & Tom Gutheil, M.D. [International Journal of Law and Psychiatry]
"3 Cognitive Strategies to Deny, Discount, & Dismiss Torture: How Individuals, Groups, Governments, & Cultures Enable Torturers" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP [excerpt from a chapter on "Torture" published by Academic Press]
"Responding to Victims of Torture: Clinical Issues, Professional Responsibilities, and Useful Resources" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., & ABPP & Rosa Garcia-Peltoniemi, Ph.D. [Professional Psychology: Research & Practice]''
Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide, (6th Edition, 2021) by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, Melba J.T. Vasquez, Ph.D., ABPP, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, Ph.D., & Hector Y. Adames, Psy.D.—Publisher: John Wiley & Sons)
Praise for the 6th edition of Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling
"The 6th edition of Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling is a practical and indispensable guide for clinicians. The volume is filled with up-to-date information and actionable steps on ethics including telehealth and social media. What sets the book apart is its consistent attention to an ethics grounded in dignity, respect, and human rights. I am excited about its release!”
—Jennifer F. Kelly, PhD, ABPP, 2021 President, American Psychological Association"This is the best psychology ethics book on the market; a must-have resource for any applied psychologist or mental health professional. The internationally recognized scholars and practitioners use research, case examples, legal decisions, and diversity-related topics to bring ethical dilemmas to life. This volume makes me excited to teach on ethics."
—Helen A. Neville, PhD, Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign“The 6th edition is a stunningly good book. If there is only one book you buy on ethics, this is the one.”
—David H. Barlow PhD, ABPP, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry Emeritus; Founder, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD), Boston University"No other ethics text comes close to matching its comprehensiveness. The 6th edition is a paradigm of excellence and should be required reading for all mental health practitioners.”
—Derald Wing Sue, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Education Teachers College, Columbia University"This 6th edition of Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling takes ethical reasoning and practice to a new level by addressing the complexity of video conferencing and the use of digital tools while emphasizing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. An absolute must-read for all clinicians."
—Martin Drapeau, PhD, Professor, McGill University; former editor of Canadian Psychology“Like all areas of human functioning, ethics is influenced by culture. Yet, during my psychological training over 20 years ago, the recognition and inclusion of topics related to culture and other diverse aspects of the human experience (e.g., race, gender, religion, sexual orientation) in ethics were marginalized, if they were mentioned at all. In this 6th edition of Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling, the authors have updated an already classic book that is responsive to the emergent needs of this historical moment."
—Kevin O. Cokley, PhD, Professor of Educational Psychology and African and African Diaspora Studies, The University of Texas at Austin"The authors of this 6th edition continue to represent the 'conscience of psychology.' The inclusion of new and important material makes this the essential handbook of ethics in contemporary psychology.”
—Bonnie R. Strickland, PhD, Former President, American Psychological Association"This is a MUST READ for both beginning and seasoned clinicians. KUDOS!"
—Don Meichenbaum, PhD, Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention, Miami"Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling has always been the volume I turn to when confronted with a complex risk management question with ethical implications. It has never let me down. As changes in technology and the changes in the health care system precipitated by the Affordable Care Act, HIPAA, and the rapid growth of telepsychology generated by the COVID-19 pandemic; mental health professionals will be confronting, with little guidance, unique problems with considerable ethical ambiguity. In this time of rapid change, this comprehensive but down to earth [6th edition] will become an even more essential resource."
—Eric Harris, JD, PhD, Risk Management Consultant, The Trust (formerly American Psychological Association Insurance Trust)"If you're one of the tens of thousands of psychologists who already own previous editions of this iconic volume, get the new version without delay. Pope, Vasquez, Chavez-Dueñas and Adames have more than updated the previous edition: their new material on two topics of importance to psychology - social justice and Telehealth - have earned it a spot in every psychologist's library."
—Douglas C. Haldeman, PhD, John F. Kennedy University"The 6th edition is a compassionate, must-have resource for both students and seasoned professionals. Its emphasis on the importance of self-knowledge, moral courage, humility, cultural awareness, and sound ethical reasoning makes a significant contribution to our understanding of what it means to be ethical."
—Carole Sinclair, Ph.D., Member and former Chair, Committee on Ethics, Canadian Psychological Association“One of the most impressive aspects of the most recent edition of this book, the original of which was published in the last century, is the clarity, thoroughness, and compassion with which the authors respond not only to the traditional ethical dilemmas confronted by psychologists and counselors, but also the speed with which they rise to the occasion of new challenges and quandaries. From who else would we have expected to see an ethics book that already engages in a thorough, informative, and socially just discussion of the question of on-line delivery of services in the COVID era then from these authors? I have counted myself fortunate to have always had their sage counsel in writing, at my side throughout the more than forty years of my own career. All practicing therapists need to own and read this book, and it makes a timely addition to the reading list for an ethics class in this new decade, already replete with conundrums that no therapist from my cohort trained in the 1970s could have possibly imagined.”
—Laura S. Brown, PhD, ABPP, Psychotherapy Consultant and Forensic Psychologist in Private Practice, Seattle WA, and Clinical Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington“In this best-in-show textbook, Pope and Vasquez have added two co-authors (Chavez-Dueñas and Adames) to the 6th edition, to provide a practical guide to ethics in psychotherapy and counseling. In a changing world beset by a pandemic and the need for new approaches to social justice, where Zoom calls, FaceTime and other innovations challenge the field, this book will be an essential guide for the therapist and clinical researcher.”
—Patrick O’Neill, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology (Acadia); Former President of the Canadian Psychological Association“The 6th edition offers masterful guidance on ethical dilemmas, self-reflective critical thinking, blind spots, challenges of a pandemic and the migration to videoconference treatment, and more. The authors parse culture and context, as well as human rights and addressing oppression in psychotherapy. All of it leads us further down the road toward social justice and improved healthcare. What a feat!”
—Carol D. Goodheart, Ed.D., Former President, American Psychological Association"With the addition of coauthors Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas and Hector Y. Adames, the 6th edition of Kenneth S. Pope and Melba J.T. Vasquez’s outstanding book transports us into today’s ethical challenges and conundrums. The engaging format continues to educate us about traditional ethical concepts while encouraging us to examine, reflect, and question our own ethical awareness. The extensive contributions regarding working competently with clients in a culturally diverse society, moral distress, and the concepts of emotional competence and power are especially eye-opening. Readers are kept focused on challenging decision-making but also on who they are or should aspire to be as self-reflective, competent practitioners. But this book is not just for students. Indeed, it is a must-read for all providers of mental health services."
—Patricia Keith-Spiegel, PhD, Past-Chair, American Psychological Association Ethics Committee“The 6th edition of Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling updates and expands upon an established classic. It is an indispensable resource for clinicians of any discipline. This book’s engaging prose and straightforward styling will make it an easy read at your leisure, while its pithy examples and cultivated wisdom will make it your first stop in a crisis. Buy it now, and keep it where you’ll always be able to find it.”
—Eric Y. Drogin, JD, PhD, ABPP (Forensic), Harvard Medical School; Former Chair, American Psychological Association Committee on Professional Practice and Standards“The turn of this decade has thrust mental health professionals into a new world of practice. The foundational concepts of ethical practice such as confidentiality, informed consent, and multiple roles are no longer enough. The extraordinary expectations for mental health professionals’ new level of competence have no template at this time. This text squarely hits the four unchartered areas in our new world of practice: (a) what mental health professionals need to know to ethically engage in remote practice/videoconferencing (e.g., apps, social media), (b) significant changes in the APA and Canadian Code of Conduct enacted in the last three years, (c) how to respectfully respond to and treat clients living in systemic oppression, and (d) how to culturally enact competency and social justice in your practice. The fundamentals across research, practice, and training are also significantly revised. This text is unquestionably the cutting-edge primer for our new world of practice and is an essential companion for mental health professionals.”
-Linda F. Campbell, PhD, Professor, The University of Georgia“Pope and Vasquez demonstrate why they are leading ethics scholars in the 6th edition of their book, Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide, by adding to the authorship of the book two outstanding ethicists, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas and Hector Y. Adames. The trilogies of pandemics, racism, and economic challenges made it necessary to change our approach to ethics. Pope, Vasquez, Chavez-Dueñas, and Adames add the pandemics, telehealth, hackers, cultural humility, and broad diversities to challenge the reader's thinking on ethics, moral courage, and doing the right thing. This book goes to the head of the line in my new purchases. I will use the 6th edition in my classes and presentations!”
—Rosie Phillips Davis, PhD, ABPP, Past President, American Psychological Association; Professor, Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research"The latest iteration of this must-read resource for psychotherapists and counselors now includes contributions by two new co-authors, broadening perspectives and providing expanded COVID-era content on serving clients in a politically volatile socially distant world. The 6th edition has increased attention to telehealth and on ethical practice in the context of hot social issues. Substantial new material addresses ethical practice across the full range of differences among people, social justice, human rights, and societal oppression arising from racism, religious prejudice, and sexism/heterosexism. This well-crafted resource provides an enhanced level of ethical awareness to both experienced and novice practitioners."
—Gerald P. Koocher, Ph.D., ABPP, Senior Lecturer, Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry and Bioethics Center faculty member; former President, American Psychological Association.
Speaking the Unspoken:
Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt Therapists and Patient
by Ken Pope, Nayeli Chavez-Dueñas, Hector Adames, Janet Sonne, and Beverly Greene
Publisher: American Psychological Association 2023 Paperback, Kindle, eBook
“Here, at last, is the book we never really knew we needed, but needed so desperately. ‘Silence and silencing have shaped the psychotherapy profession.’ Truer words were never (un)spoken.”
Eric Y. Drogin, JD, PhD, ABPP
Harvard Medical School
Former Chair, APA Committee on Professional Practice and Standards
“This book is essential reading for anyone who practices, teaches, supervises, and studies psychotherapy. It will help you to recognize and overcome barriers to thinking clearly, speaking openly, and listening respectfully about unspoken topics in our profession. The engaging vignettes, thought-provoking exercises, suggested strategies, and informational pearls of wisdom will strengthen your courage, humility, readiness, and skills to engage in authentic discussions.”
Joan Cook, PhD
Professor of Psychology
Yale University
“Kenneth S. Pope, the foremost psychological ethicist of our time (someone who walks the talk), and a diverse and distinguished cadre of co-authors provide a necessary exploration of censored and challenging topics in psychotherapy. They show how correct Sigmund Freud was in positing that suppressed material will ‘come forth later in uglier ways’.”
Etzel Cardeña, PhD
Thorsen Professor in Psychology
Lund University, Sweden
Co-editor of Varieties of Anomalous Experience and founding editor of the Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition
“What a treasure of a book! The teaching, practice, and profession of psychotherapy are enhanced when we openly and directly address, understand, and continuously process ‘taboo’ topics that are challenging. The amazing authors provide history and sources of resistance to topics such as group identity, anger, oppression, and sexual feelings regarding clients. Most importantly, and of significant value, the book provides strategies that inspire us to have the courage, confidence, and determination to address the relevant issues in the various contexts in which we work. After reading this outstanding, compelling, must-read contribution, you will agree that creating a culture of speaking up benefits us all!”
Melba J. T. Vasquez, PhD, ABPP
Independent Practice
Former President, American Psychological Association
“Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths and Taboos that Hurt Therapists and Patients is a must-read for EVERY therapist. The authors raise awareness and brilliantly illustrate how to address critical, contemporary, and challenging issues in therapy and supervision, including oppression and racism. I highly recommend this book!”
Lillian Comas-Díaz, PhD
Recipient of the American Psychological Association Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Practice of Psychology
Past President, Psychologists in Independent Practice, APA Division 42
Author: Multicultural Care: A Clinician’s Guide to Cultural Competence
“Have you ever avoided talking about something important? Have you ever wished for the courage to speak up? In clear and accessible prose, Speaking the Unspoken explains what underlies the fear and the other obstacles that keep us silent. With remarkable clarity, the book models the courage to discuss complex topics and provides practical advice for how and when to discuss previously unspoken matters. Every psychotherapist should read this intelligent and transformative book.”
Jennifer Joy Freyd, PhD
Founder and President, Center for Institutional Courage
Professor Emerit, Psychology, University of Oregon
Adjunct Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
Editor, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
“Brave and compelling, Pope and colleagues’ volume paves the way to change and enlightenment of mindsets in clinical training, supervision, and practice. This courageous book outlines what is NOT DISCUSSED in clinical practice, supervision, and consultation, the impacts of these, and guideposts to identify, reflect, and address them. The authors address emotionally, politically, and personally charged topics that are avoided. It is a “must-read” for educators, supervisors, and clinicians-in-training.”
Carol Falender, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University
Clinical Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, Psychology Department
Co-author, co-editor of six books on Competency-based Clinical Supervision, one on Competency-based Consultation
“‘Several topics have been historically avoided in psychotherapy.’ The opening line in this book sheds light on a central truth – we tend to avoid certain topics because we have been told it is ‘uncultured’ to address them in ‘polite society.’ Although we may wish it to be so, averting our gaze does not remove these issues and problems from reality—not in society and not in our practices. The authors, experts in ethics, multiculturalism, practice, and training, excellently guide us through our own necessary edification. They invite us not to collude with the silence and the avoidance created when we hide behind the veil of ‘politeness’ and the guise of clinical neutrality. The book aims to enhance our skills and tolerance to feeling distressed and uncomfortable when we do “Break the Silence.” In learning how to do the necessary yet uncomfortable, we benefit our profession and the people we serve.
Cynthia de las Fuentes, PhD
Independent Practice
Five Steps to Strengthen Ethics in Organizations and Individuals: Effective Strategies Informed by Research and History by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, Publisher: the Routledge Imprint of Taylor & Francis
"We expect the very best from Pope, and this must-read ethics guide delivers. Scrupulously researched, this landmark contributionwill be indispensable to all organizations and individuals committed to ethical decision-making and behavior, and to courses on ethics and organizational psychology."
—Martin Drapeau, Professor of Counselling Psychology and Psychiatry, McGill University; Editor in Chief of Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne"Ken Pope has done it again. Here is a timely, clear, well-researched, action-oriented book replete with organizational examples which is designed to get organizations and individuals to fortify their ethical stance. This book is essential reading for those studying or working in organizations."
—Judie Alpert, Professor of Applied Psychology, New York University"Once again, Ken Pope shows courageous leadership and guides by stellar example. Using research findings and examples from well-known ethical missteps from major American organization icons, Pope shows how and why we all can strengthen ethics at work."
—Joan M. Cook, Associate Professor, Yale School of Medicine; Lecturer, Yale School of Management"This engaging new book by Ken Pope is essential reading for everyone who believes all organizations—non-profit and for-profit—should model idealized ethical standards, top-down from the CEO and bottom-up from the kitchen and mail room staff. Honoring what is best in our human nature creates a new generation of Everyday Heroes."
—Phil Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Stanford University; Author of The Lucifer Effect; President of The Heroic Imagination Project
What Therapists Don't Talk About and Why: Taboos That Hurt Us and Our Clients by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, Janet L. Sonne, Ph.D., and Beverly Greene, PhD., ABPP Publisher: American Psychological Association
"It is essentially a superb text about the practice of psychotherapy, with all its unexpected twists, turns, and difficulties for therapists and patients. From its excellent short courses on logical and ethical fallacies, to its astonishing variety of intensely provocative case examples with self-assessment questions, to its steamy discussions of therapists' sexual feelings, the book illuminates, in a non-threatening, conversational tone, the previously-avoided dimensions of the therapeutic endeavor. It belongs on the shelf of any therapist willing to learn or think critically about psychotherapy."
Thomas G. Gutheil, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry
Harvard University
How To Survive and Thrive as a Therapist: Information, Ideas, & Resources for Psychologists by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP & Melba J. T. Vasquez, Ph.D., ABPP
Publisher: American Psychological Association
"This comprehensive practical guidebook is a must for all new and seasoned clinicians. From attorneys to ethics, from billing to possible errors in logic--it is all here. A remarkable compendium. Kudos to Pope and Vasquez!"
--Donald Meichenbaum, PhD, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A in Court: A Practical Guide for Expert Witnesses and Attorneys (3nd Edition) by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, James N. Butcher, Ph.D., and Joyce Seelen, Esq., Publisher: American Psychological Association
"A must for every trial lawyer's library."
-- Patricia C. Bobb, Esq., Board of Governors, Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Sexual Feelings In Psychotherapy:Explorations for Therapists and Therapists-in-Training by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, Janet Sonne, Ph.D. & Jean Holroyd, Ph.D. Publisher: American Psychological Association.
"Like a trusted confidant, this reassuring yet challenging book shows how research, theory, and the reader's own feelings can be used to guide clinical practice. It is that rarest of books with which the reader shares an intimate dialogue of personal discovery. Powerful, truthful, and adventurous, it will serve as an essential text to which seasoned therapists will return again and again and should be required reading in all training programs."
-- Professor Jesse Geller, Yale University
Sexual Involvement With Therapists: Patient Assessment, Subsequent Therapy, Forensics by by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP. Publisher: American Psychological Association
"A landmark contribution. The research, forms, and lists of cross-examination questions will be invaluable to subsequent therapists who appear in court. This unique resource is essential reading for expert witnesses and trial attorneys."
-- Nancy Adel, Esq., Partner, Law Firm of Adel & Pollack
Sexual Intimacy Between Therapists and Patients by Kenneth S. Pope & Jacqueline Bouhoutsos
"A thoroughly unique, impressively comprehensive, and long-awaited contribution. A storehouse of information. Plaintiff and defense lawyers and expert witnesses would be well advised to be aware of its contents."
--Jay Ziskin, Ph.D., LL.B.
Past President, American Psychology-Law Society
Recovered Memories of Abuse: Assessment, Therapy, Forensics by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP & Laura S. Brown, Ph.D., ABPP, Publisher: American Psychological Association
"Essential reading for lawyers and expert witnesses, this landmark book is scientifically grounded, carefully researched, and--thankfully!--of great practical use. The consent forms, deposition and cross-examination questions, outlines for reviewing treatment plans, and scrupulously fair examinations of the major controversies are major contributions. Avoiding the polarizing polemics and limited points of view that mar so much of the work in this area, this is the best book on this topic."
-- Gary Sampley, Esq. Attorney at Law
Law and Mental Health Professionals: California by Brandt Caudill & Kenneth S. Pope, Publisher: American Psychological Association
Published research and other works on the Therapist As Person:
Therapists as Patients, as Abuse Survivors, and as People who Experience
Fear, Anger, and Hatred
Record-Keeping Controversies: Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Challenges
Therapists as Patients: A National Survey of Psychologists' Experiences, Problems, and Beliefs [Professional Psychology]
Therapists' Anger, Hate, Fear, and Sexual Feelings: National Survey of Therapist Responses, Client Characteristics, Critical Events, Formal Complaints, and Training [Professional Psychology]
National Survey of Psychologists' Sexual and Physical Abuse History and Their Evaluation of Training and Competence in These Areas [Professional Psychology]
The Experience of 'Forgetting' Childhood Abuse: A National Survey of Psychologists [Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology]
Discussing Death With Children [U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Child Development, Children's Bureau]
Therapist's Guide To Preparing a Professional Will [American Psychological Association]
Clinical Practice Strategies Outside The Realm Of Managed Care [annual meeting of the American Psychological Association]
Boundary Issues in Psychotherapy and Counseling
Dual Relationships: Trends, Stats, Guides, & Resources.
Nonsexual Multiple Relationships & Boundaries in Psychotherapy.
Study Calling for Changes in the APA Ethics Code regarding Dual Relationships, Multiple Relationships, & Boundary Decisions [American Psychologist]
Dual Relationships Between Therapist and Client: A National Study of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Social Workers [Professional Psychology]
The Concept of Boundaries in Clinical Practice: Theoretical and Risk-Management Dimensions [American Journal of Psychiatry]
Avoiding Exploitive Dual Relationships: A Decision-making Model [Psychotherapy]
Ethical Decision-making and Dual Relationships [Jeffrey Younggren]
Nonsexual Multiple Relationships: A Practical Decision-Making Model For Clinicians [Janet L. Sonne]
Misuses and Misunderstandings of Boundary Theory in Clinical and Regulatory Settings [American Journal of Psychiatry]
Published Research and Other Works on Ethical & Legal (e.g., Malpractice) Dilemmas of Therapists, Counselors, & Professors
Ethics for Psychologists: 7 Essentials [excerpt from Ethics in Psychotherapy & Counseling, 5th Edition]
Canadian Psychological Association Member of the Year Award Address --
"The Code Not Taken: The Path From Guild Ethics to Torture and Our Continuing Choices" [Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne]
Steps to Strengthen Ethics in Organizations: Research Findings, Ethics Placebos, and What Works
Contrasting Ethical Policies of Physicians & Psychologists Concerning Detainee Interrogations [British Medical Journal]
Psychologists Abandon the Nuremberg Ethic: Concerns for Detainee Interrogations [International Journal of Law & Psychiatry]
Steps in Ethical Decision-Making [excerpt from Ethics in Psychotherapy & Counseling, 3rd Edition]
21 Cognitive Strategies To Justify Any Unethical Behavior [excerpt from What Therapists Don't Talk About and Why: Understanding Taboos That Hurt Us and Our Clients]
Developing & Practicing Ethics [chapter in The Portable Mentor: Expert Guide to a Successful Career in Psychology]
Ethics of Practice: The Beliefs and Behaviors of Psychologists as Therapists [American Psychologist]
Ethics of Teaching: Beliefs and Behaviors of Psychologists as Educators [American Psychologist]
Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Members of the American Psychological Association [American Psychologist]
Informed Consent: Sample Forms, Standards, Guildelines, & References;
8 Bogus Apologies: Ethics, Critical Thinking, & Language
When Laws and Values Conflict: A Dilemma for Psychologists [American Psychologist]
Malpractice & Licensing Pitfalls for Therapists: A Defense Attorney's List [Innovations in Clinical Practice]
Disability, Accessibility, & Ethics in Psychology: 3 Barriers [Ethics & Behavior]
HIPAA & Forensic Practice [American Psychology Law Society News, American Psychological Association Division 41]
Identifying and Implementing Ethical Standards for Primary Prevention [Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community]
On Violating Ethical Standards: 20 Easy Steps [Ethics in Psychotherapy & Counseling]
When The Therapist Doesn't Know What To Do: Some Steps That May Help [American Psychological Association]
Ethical and Malpractice Issues in Hospital Practice [American Psychologist]
The Ethics of Research Involving Memories of Trauma [General Hospital Psychiatry]
AIDS & HIV Infection Update: New Research, Ethical Responsibilities, Evolving Legal Frameworks, and Useful Resources [Innovations in Clinical Practice]
Psychologists' Use of E-mail with Clients: Some Ethical Considerations [Ohio Psychologist]
Children, Ethics, & the Law [full text of a book originally published by University of Nebraska Press]
Published Research and Other Works on Therapists' Sexual Attraction to Patients, Therapist-Patient Sex, Professor-Student Sex, and Sexual Dilemmas in Therapy & Counseling
Sexual Intimacy in Psychology Training: Results and Implications of a National Survey [American Psychologist]
Sexual Attraction to Clients: The Human Therapist and the (Sometimes) Inhuman Training System [American Psychologist]
Sex Between Therapists and Clients [Academic Press]
Prior Therapist-patient Sexual Involvement Among Patients Seen by Psychologists [Psychotherapy]
Therapist-Patient Sexual Intimacy Involving Children and Adolescents [American Psychologist]
Therapist-patient Sex as Sex Abuse: Six Scientific, Professional, and Practical Dilemmas in Addressing Victimization and Rehabilitation [Professional Psychology]
Testing & Assessment
Deposition and Cross-examination Questions on Psychological Tests & Psychometrics [American Psychological Association]
Responsibilities in Providing Psychological Test Feedback to Clients [Psychological Assessment]
Fallacies & Pitfalls in Psychological Assessment: 7 Examples
HIPAA & Forensic Practice [American Psychology Law Society News, American Psychological Association Division 41]
MMPI-A in Forensic Practice [Oxford University Press]
Forensic Assessment Checklist [American Psychological Association]
Pearson Assessments HIPAA Regulations FAQ [Pearon Assessments]
Fallacies & Pitfalls in Psychology
Logical Fallacies in Psychology: 22 Types
Fallacies & Pitfalls in Psychological Assessment: 7 Examples
21 Cognitive Strategies To Justify Any Unethical Behavior
8 Bogus Apologies: Ethics, Critical Thinking, & Language
Detainee Interrogations, Psychologists, & Other Health Care Professionals
"Are the American Psychological Association’s Detainee Interrogation Policies Ethical and Effective? Key Claims, Documents, and Results" [Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology]
"Psychologists and Detainee Interrogations: Key Decisions, Opportunities Lost, and Lessons Learned" [Annual Review of Clinical Psychology]
"Contrasting Ethical Policies of Physicians & Psychologists Concerning Detainee Interrogations" [British Medical Journal]
"Psychologists Abandon the Nuremberg Ethic: Concerns for Detainee Interrogations"[International Journal of Law and Psychiatry]
"American Psychological Association's Post-9-11Ethics for Detainee Interrogations" [Psychiatric Times]
300+ Published Articles on Psychologists' & Physicians' Involvement in Detainee Interrogations
Memory & Abuse: The Recovered Memory Controversy
Pseudoscience, Cross-examination, and Scientific Evidence in the Recovered Memory Controversy [Psychology, Public Policy, and Law]
Memory, Abuse, and Science: Questioning Claims about the False Memory Syndrome Epidemic--Award address for the American Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Contributions to Public Service [American Psychologist]
Science As Careful Questioning: Are Claims of a False Memory Syndrome Epidemic Based on Empirical Evidence? [American Psychologist]
What Psychologists Better Know About Recovered Memories: Research, Lawsuits, and the Pivotal Experiment [Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice]
The Facade of Scientific Documentation: A Case Study of Richard Ofshe's Analysis of the Paul Ingram Case [Psychology, Public Policy & Law]
The Therapeutic Relationship
As The Foundation for Treatment with Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse [Psychotherapy]
Sample Agreement
Sample Agreement Between Expert Witness & Attorney by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, James N. Butcher, Ph.D., & Joyce Seelen, J.D. [American Psychological Association]
National Survey of Social Workers' Sexual Attraction to their Clients: Results, Implications, and Comparison to Psychologists [Ethics & Behavior]
Licensing Disciplinary Actions for Psychologists Who Have Been Sexually Involved with a Client [Professional Psychology]
The Ethics of Counseling: A National Survey of Certified Counselors [Journal of Counseling & Development]
Are 25% of Clinicians Using Potentially Risky Therapeutic Practices? A Review of the Logic and Methodology of the Poole, Lindsay et al. Study [Journal of Psychiatry & Law]
Therapists' Sexual Feelings and Behaviors: Research, Trends, and Quandaries. [John Wiley and Sons]
A Community Psychology of Ethics [American Journal of Community Psychology]
AIDS and HIV Infection Update: New Research, Ethical Responsibilities, Evolving Legal Frameworks, and Published Resources [Innovations in Clinical Practice]
Sexual Behavior Between Clinical Supervisors and Trainees: Implications for Professional Standards [Professional Psychology]
Seven Issues in Conducting Forensic Assessments: Ethical Responsibilities in Light of New Standards and New Tests [Ethics & Behavior]
Therapist-patient Sexual Involvement: A Review of the Research [Clinical Psychology Review]
Fee assessment and outpatient psychotherapy [Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology]
Other Resources
- Resources for caregivers: websites, books, & articles
- Forgiveness Resources for Therapists & Counselors
- Resources for Those Looking for Nursing Homes or Hospices, Or Who Are Facing End-of-Life Challenges
- Resources for People with Cancer (Breast Cancer; Prostate Cancer; Lung Cancer; Colorectal Cancer; Exercise & Cancer; Psychological Aspects of Cancer)
- Recent Research on Assessing Risk of Violence: Studies Published in 2012 & 2013
- Links to resources for military personnel, their families, & those who provide serves to them
- Links to over 100 resources for refugees, torture victims, & asylum seekers
- Links to Psychological Interventions for People with Cancer: Therapy & Self-Help
- Mindfulness Resources for Clinical Training & Practice
- Links to resources for Informed Consent in Psychotherapy & Counseling: Forms, Standards & Guidelines, & References
- Links to resources for Dual Relationships, Multiple Relationships, & Boundary Decisions
- Resources for Therapists Who Are Stalked, Threatened, or Attacked by Patients
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